Getting Started In The World Of RV Travel
Getting started in the world of RV travel can be a bit overwhelming. RVs are large vehicles, they are expensive, and they often need to be parked in tight spaces. There is a lot to love about owning and using an RV, but there is a learning curve to be sure. Of course, the only way to get over that learning curve is to get started. In this article, we will provide you some basic tips which can help you transition into becoming a veteran RV user in no time at all.
The biggest thing for a new RV owner to learn is how to maneuver the vehicle safely. No matter what kind of RV you have purchased – a motorhome, a trailer, a fifth-wheel, etc. – you are going to need to get comfortable driving this big rig out on the road. Most likely, this will be the largest vehicle you have ever been in charge of operating. To learn how to handle the size and weight of the vehicle, head to a large, empty parking lot to practice. With open space and nothing to hit, you can work on things like backing up, parking in a tight spot (that you can mark out with some cones), and braking in a controlled manner. RV travel will only be fun if you are comfortable driving your purchased rig.
The Trip Will Take Longer Than You Expect
When planning your upcoming RV vacation, you might just plug your start and end points into Google Maps to determine how long the journey will be. While this is usually a great way to plan a road trip, it isn’t likely to be as effective in this case. The problem comes down to the time you will make in your RV. You aren’t going to travel nearly as quickly as you would in a passenger vehicle, so plan on significantly more time on the road than what your GPS system is suggesting. Rather than trying to ‘make good time’, enjoy the journey and get there safely.
The Owner’s Manual is Your Friend
Many people immediately toss out the owner’s manual when they purchase a new product. That might be okay if you buy a toaster, but you certainly don’t want to do such a thing if you buy an RV. In fact, you should see the owner’s manual as a great assistant when taking your first trips. Keep it close and consult it whenever you are unsure how to use your rig. In time, you will need to use it less and less, but it should always be on board just in case.

Bring Relevant Tools
You probably already thought of the fact that you should have a tool kit with you in case repairs need to be made. However, you might be tempted to toss your toolbox from home into the RV – despite the fact that those tools may not be relevant on the trip. Take a look around your RV and make sure you are bringing tools that will actually work when you have a problem to fix.