It’s easy to get to Essex whether your choice is automobile, train, or plane. Driving offers a pleasant and scenic trip through upstate New York on the Adirondack Northway (Route 87), an 84 mile portion of which was selected as “America’s Most Scenic Highway” when it is opened in 1967. (Sample drive times: New York 5 hours; Boston 6 hours; Philadelphia 6 1/2 hours; Montreal 1 3/4; Albany 2 hours; Burlington 1 hour.) If taking the rails, Amtraks’s “Adirondacker” stops at Westport, NY, station nine miles to the discount viagra south, and is nostalgic of the popular means of travel in the days of yore. And for the airborne-minded, Essex is reachable through airports in Albany, New York discount viagra and Burlington, Vermont. A ferry transports automobile traffic between Charlotte, Vermont and Essex year round.
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